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DSM WhatsApp V1

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SM WhatsApp V1 Lastest Version Download

Antivirus And Antibanned Whatsapp


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How to Install WhatsApp

First, before you have to keep in mind that DSMWA is only available for Android.
It is very easy to download and install this mod on your device. Follow the steps below and your installation will be 100% secure.

1. Download DSM WhatsApp from our website by clicking the Download button. (Official Package or Clone).

2. If you downloaded the clone package, just continue to the next step.

If you downloaded the official package and you have Official WhatsApp or another Mod installed, you must uninstall it before installing this Mod.

In the event that when you uninstall a message appears asking if you want to save data, skip that message, otherwise you will not be able to install DSMWA.

3. Install the downloaded app from the notification panel or from the internal storage, located in the download folder.

4. Very well, it only remains to open it and register your number as in Official WhatsApp, and that’s it, enjoy the Mod.

Mod Features :

Auto Reply: Firstly, you can also use this auto-reply feature when you want to reply to any of your friends at any time.

DND: If you are using some other app on your Android phone and don’t want to get disturbed by Whatsapp messages then you can use DND feature to disable the internet connection for DSM Whatsapp only.

Filter messages: The DSM Whatsapp APK is formulated with the Filter Messages feature which provides the user with an option to clear chat which can also filter your messages.

Anti-revoke message: Comes with an Anti-revoke messages feature.

Share live locations: Additionally, the user can also share their live locations with friends by using DSM Whatsapp 2023.

Outstanding effects: Users can add outstanding and unique effects while sending pictures and videos to their friends and loved ones.

Revoke multiple messages: At one time you can revoke multiple messages.

Send Maximum Pictures: Additionally, as compared to official Whatsapp you can send more than 90 pictures at a time. Also, you can send 50 MB video clip and 100 MB audio clip to your contact.

Mark the unread messages: From the notification, you can mark the read messages.

Select all chats: With this app, one can select all chats at one time from the home screen.

Hide your status: The voice recording status can be hidden.

Best Image Quality: With DSM Whatsapp you can send pictures of high resolution.

Log History: Furthermore, the user can see the log history of all your contacts.

Language: Another best feature, with the help of this language feature, you can select the language from the default lost.

Notification: This app also allows you to get the notification when anyone from your contact lists changes their profile picture.

Endless Themes: Plus, in this Customization version of Whatsapp theme feature is also introduced. So there are so many amazing themes and Emojis that you can apply to your phone according to your mode.

Download Statuses: Another great feature of this app is that you can download the pictures and videos of statuses uploaded by other contacts.

Amazing Font: Are you bored from the old font? Then, with this feature, you can choose the font of your choice. Customize your favorite font with this feature.

Messages History: You can check the history of revoked messages from your contacts and groups.

Alter contacts: Alter the media visibility of a particular contact in your gallery.

Pop up Notifications: Another incredible feature of DSM Whatsapp APK is that you can hide your pop up notifications of this app from your main screen.

Download Section:


There are multiple packages available.
Make sure to read the differences between them, and make sure to download the same package on your phone (if you have one).

This version only supports Only Android 5.1+. Android KitKat (4.4.4) and lower are not supported!
Kindly find the download links below.


Updated On-/-/-
RequiresAndroid 5.1 and above

(Unclone version | com.whatsapp)

To install this version you need to uninstall the official version of WhatsApp.

(Clone version | com.dsmwhatsapp)

To install this version you don't need to uninstall the official version of WhatsApp.

Download Clone Version

© Copyright 2022 DSM Mods.SL

Mr. DSM From Sri Lanka


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